Welcome to epic-masks’s documentation!


$ pip install git+https://github.com/epic-kitchens/epic-kitchens-100-object-masks.git


Visualise the masks like so:

from typing import Union
from pathlib import Path
import PIL.Image
from epic_kitchens.masks.io import load_detections
from epic_kitchens.masks.visualisation import DetectionRenderer

class LazyFrameLoader:
    def __init__(self, path: Union[Path, str], frame_template: str = 'frame_{:010d}.jpg'):
        self.path = Path(path)
        self.frame_template = frame_template

    def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> PIL.Image.Image:
        return PIL.Image.open(str(self.path / self.frame_template.format(idx + 1)))

detections = load_detections('detections/P01_101.pkl')
frames = LazyFrameLoader('frames/P01_101')
renderer = DetectionRenderer()

frame_idx = 100
renderer.render_detections(frames[frame_idx], detections[frame_idx])

A Jupyter notebook example is included that demonstrates how to load detections and visualise them.

Indices and tables